Remove Temporary Files at Logoff

Over time users tend to open a lot of items programs that write little files to be used just once to print a document or a small setting for a program. These items build up over time and cause your computer to run slower due to your antivirus solution scanning it, your hard drive taking longer to find a free space of disk to write your new file or has to spend more time gathering up fragments of your file from in between these temp files. The solution here is pretty simple, these files need to go, and probably the easiest solution is the remove them when the user logs off. This doesn’t require anymore time for the user and typically isn’t a problem since most computers are logged on and off once a day.

This script will remove the most common temporary folder for the user as well as remove any of the temporary internet files that they have gathered while surfing the web. When we implemented this script we noticed that the antivirus scan time and how many files it scanned were significantly reduced providing a better and faster workstation for your users. This script should be placed in the Group Policy for users as one of their logoff script.

dim intDepth
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Clean User Temporary Intenet Files
Set objNameSpace = objShell.Namespace(TEMPORARY_INTERNET_FILES)
Set objFolderItem = objNameSpace.Self
set objFolder=objFSO.GetFolder(objFolderItem.Path)
RemoveFolder objFolder

'Clean User Temp Files
Const TemporaryFolder = 2
Set tempFolder = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
RemoveFolder tempFolder

sub RemoveFolder(objFolder)
	' Recursively remove files and folders
	on error resume next
	for each objFile in objFolder.Files
		objFile.Delete true
	on error goto 0
	for each objSubfolder in objFolder.SubFolders
		RemoveFolder objSubFolder
	if intDepth<>0 then' Don't delete top-level folder
		on error resume next
		objFolder.Delete true 
		on error goto 0
	end if
end sub

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Remote Shutdown / Logoff Script using WMI

Have you ever been sitting at your desk working very hard trying to getting some business analytics report finished for your administrative team, only to be interrupted by the everyday user unable to log on the machine because someone else locked it. Then you have to get up and walk down there and manually login and unlock the workstation. Well this is now a thing of the past for you if you have enabled WMI and have a domain or common credentials on your network. This script will simply allow you to unlock a workstation with out getting up from your desk. Unfortunately, I didn’t write this script but I use it about every other day to unlock a workstation. It has a few good options to allow you to either Logoff / Reboot / Shutdown the workstation. This can also be helpful when the user has locked up the PC and can’t get it to restart, you can send a command from the workstation you are at for that one to restart. In way you end up using this script it will only save you time, I found it to be very reliable and super fast for resolving the locked computer situation. Also, please browse though the code as it is well commented and you can get a greater understanding of how it exactly works.

'|| Remote Shutdown.vbs
'|| Created by Harvey Hendricks, MCSE, A+,
'|| March 2001
'|| email:
'|| Based on techniques and ideas from:
'|| SMS admin, SMS Installer, & WMI forums ->
'|| Win32 Scripting ->
'|| Microsoft Windows Script Technologies ->
'|| Microsoft Online Library ->
'|| Microsoft VBScript 5.5 documentation
'|| and Microsoft WMI SDK
'|| Collects computername from user, calls function to ping the computername
'|| to determine if it is accessible, if not then display message and exit
'|| otherwise continue.
'|| Collects desired action to perform from the user, does error checking on
'|| the input to determine if it is acceptable, if not then display message
'|| and exit otherwise continue.
'|| Set variables and output messages based on the action chosen. Calls
'|| Win32Shutdown with the appropriate variable. Displays success message
'|| and exits
'|| Uses WMI Win32Shutdown method from the Win32_OperatingSystem class
'|| to perform different logoff / powerdown / reboot functions
'|| Testing found the following values to be effective on Win32Shutdown:
'|| Action decimal binary
'|| Logoff 0 0000
'|| Force Logoff 4 0100
'|| Reboot 2 0010
'|| Force Reboot 6 0110
'|| Powerdown 8 1000
'|| Force Powerdown 12 1100
'|| Notice that the third bit from the right appears to be the "FORCE" bit.
'|| A value of 1 will do a shutdown, ending at the "It is safe to turn
'|| off your computer" screen. I have no use for this and did not test it.
'||NOTES: - tested under Windows 2000 Pro. with ACPI compliant systems -
'|| SHOULD work under Windows NT4 without modification IF the
'|| system has compatible versions of WSH / WMI / VBscripting
'||Logoff / Powerdown / Reboot:
'|| Does not work if a password protected screen saver is active or
'|| there is data to save. Either way the system waits for user input.
'||Force Logoff / Force Powerdown / Force Reboot:
'|| Does not work if a password protected screen saver is active, will wait
'|| for user input. Otherwise will close open applications without saving data.

'/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ start function /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/'\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\______________/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
function Ping(byval strName)
dim objFSO, objShell, objTempFile, objTS
dim sCommand, sReadLine
dim bReturn

set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Set default return value
bReturn = false

'Create command line to ping and save results to a temp file
sCommand = "cmd /c ping.exe -n 3 -w 1000 " & strName & " > temp.txt"

'Execute the command sCommand, 0, true

'Get the temp file
set objTempFile = objFSO.GetFile("temp.txt")
set objTS = objTempFile.OpenAsTextStream(1)

'Loop through the temp file to see if "reply from" is found,
'if it is then the ping was successful
do while objTs.AtEndOfStream <> true
sReadLine = objTs.ReadLine
if instr(lcase(sReadLine), "reply from") > 0 then
bReturn = true
exit do
end if

'Close temp file and release objects
set objTS = nothing
set objTempFile = nothing
set objShell = nothing
set objFSO = nothing

'Return value
Ping = bReturn
end function
'/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ end function /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/'\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\______________/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

'/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Start Main body of script /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/'\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\_________________________/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
'Get computer name to operate on
ComputerName=InputBox("Enter the Machine name of the computer" & vbCRLF _
& "you wish to Shutdown / Reboot / Logoff", _
"Remote Shutdown / Reboot / Logoff", _

'if Cancel selected - exit
If (ComputerName = "") Then Wscript.Quit

'change the name to uppercase

'ping the computername to see if it is accessible
bPingtest = ping(Computername)

If bPingtest = FALSE Then
y = msgbox ("'" & ComputerName & "' is not accessible!" & vbCRLF _
& "It may be offline or turned off." & vbCRLF _
& "Check the name for a typo." & vbCRLF, _
vbCritical, ComputerName & " NOT RESPONDING")
end IF

'Get the action desired
Action=InputBox( _
"Select Action to perform on " & ComputerName & vbCRLF & vbCRLF _
& " 1 - Logoff" & vbCRLF _
& " 2 - Force Logoff ( NO SAVE )" & vbCRLF _
& " 3 - Powerdown" & vbCRLF _
& " 4 - Force Powerdown ( NO SAVE )" & vbCRLF _
& " 5 - Reboot" & vbCRLF _
& " 6 - Force Reboot ( NO SAVE )" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF _
& "NOTE:" & vbCRLF _
& " Using Force will close windows" & vbCRLF _
& " without saving changes!", _
"Select action to perform on " & ComputerName, "")

'if Cancel selected - exit
If (Action = "") Then Wscript.Quit

'error check input
If (INSTR("1234567",Action)=0) OR (Len(Action)>1) then
y = msgbox("Unacceptable input passed -- '" & Action & "'", _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "That was SOME bad input!")
end if

' set flag to disallow action unless proper input is achieved, 1 => go 0 => nogo
flag = 0

'set variables according to computername and action
Select Case Action
Case 1 'Logoff
x = 0
strAction = "Logoff sent to " & ComputerName
flag = 1
Case 2 'Force Logoff
x = 4
strAction = "Force Logoff sent to " & ComputerName
flag = 1
Case 3 'Powerdown
x = 8
strAction = "Powerdown sent to " & ComputerName
flag = 1
Case 4 'Force Powerdown
x = 12
strAction = "Force Powerdown sent to " & ComputerName
flag = 1
Case 5 'Reboot
x = 2
strAction = "Reboot sent to " & ComputerName
flag = 1
Case 6 'Force Reboot
x = 6
strAction = "Force Reboot sent to " & ComputerName
flag = 1
Case 7 'Test dialog boxes
y = msgbox("Test complete", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Dialog Box Test Complete")
flag = 0
Case Else 'Default -- should never happen
y = msgbox("Error occurred in passing parameters." _
& vbCRLF & " Passed '" & Action & "'", _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "PARAMETER ERROR")
flag = 0
End Select

'check flag
' if equal 1 (TRUE) then perform Win32Shutdown action on remote PC
' and display a confirmation message
' if not equal 1 (FALSE) then skip the action and script ends
if flag then
Set OpSysSet=GetObject("winmgmts:{(Debug,RemoteShutdown)}//" _
& ComputerName & "/root/cimv2").ExecQuery( _
"Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Primary=true")
for each OpSys in OpSysSet
y = msgbox(strAction,vbOKOnly + vbInformation,"Mission Accomplished")
end If

'Release objects
set OpSys = nothing
set OpSysSet = nothing

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Travel Weekend

This weekend everyone was traveling. Jen hit me up on Wednesday for a ride to Houston Hobby Airport. She was traveling to St Louis to see her mom and visit the rest of her relatives. Her niece joined her for the flight and all the great things to do in St Louis. On the way back from the airport I attempted to eat at two Subways. One was super busy and wasn’t worth the wait and the other Subway I was only able to find the sign of where it used to be, so i just decided that I shouldn’t eat out and I should just go home and watch Rescue Me and eat the leftover Jambalaya from earlier in the week.

On Thursday, I took my parents to the Easterwood Airport here in College Station for their trip to New Orleans for French Quarter Festival. I spent Thursday night enjoying NBC’s great lineup of Parks and Recreation, The Office and Southland. Friday Night it was poker night, I was a little late from getting off of work due to making some decisions in the third guy hiring process, I grabbed some snacks and several brews from HEB and went home. Everyone pretty much got here by seven so we were off and rolling. I ended up going out around 2am as only the second one out of the five player game.

Saturday it rained like crazy all morning, and since the Rec Center was busy with a racquetball tournament Judd and I went for a ride out towards South College Station and got 32 miles in. This ties my longest ride ever and puts me on par for my 200 miles a month goal. We also grabbed some Ninfas and they seriously have the best Quesadillas in town, however that left me as pretty much just a waste for the rest of the day. Sunday, I was thinking about going for a ride in Houston down at Brays Bayou, however after so far the day before I my back was quite sore and I really didn’t feel up to it. So I headed to Houston a bit later, grabbed lunch at Subway which was probably the best Subway sandwich I had ever had from there, Picked up Jen around 3pm and was back in College Station by 6pm. I also took care of the dog all weekend so I was back and forth to the parents house a few times.

Monday I picked up the parents from the airport around 4pm and got them home and chatted with them for a bit about their trip. Then grabbed a quick sandwich on sweet bread from St. Louis, and played two nine hole rounds, over at First Baptist Church. The first round I was just kind of learning the course since I hadn’t ever played their before. I believe I shot about 3 or 4 over. The second time around I shot even because I knew where the holes where. Hopefully, my friends and I can make a thing of this because I really do enjoy doing just about anything that has to do with the outdoors, and frisbee golf is quite relaxing and fun at the same time. I also didn’t realized how many courses we have in the Bryan / College Station area we have about 5 or so 9 hole courses and the 18 hole one out at Research Park. Anyways, now I am home watching Southland again for Jen and updating the blog.

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Hacked Xboxs Galore

A half day for the Easter holiday left me with some spare time. With that I planned to help my friend rebuild his PC back to a functional state by reloading his OS. During this process, and playing some Resident Evil 5 we decided to me up with my girlfriend and a few other of my friends and eat at Cheddars. This is were it got weird. In talks over dinner, we realized that all the media machine issues could be solved by hacking a simple Xbox to XBMC using softmod.

After dinner we found the Xbox in a closet box and search frantically for a power cable, but there was none to be had, however after further investigation we noticed that a Playstation Power Cable was very close and after a few adjustments with a knife we were in business. We rushed to my house to gather the controller, memory card, and game needed to preform the hack and raced back over with an additional Xbox I had for another experiment. It was a hackfest 2 Xboxs were converted into lean mean media playing machines. This inspired our friend rebuilding the PC and decided to purchase one on Craigslist yesterday, which we promptly hacked over burgers and wine. So my total comes to 4 Xboxes loaded with XBMC. I will soon do a write up of a quick process to get it done.

The only limitation we have discovered is with MKVs and high bitrate video files, it seems to lag out. But honestly, it is a 733mhz PIII with an good video card, so the limitations of very manageable. Especially now that you can enjoy all that media that you have spend hours downloading on your large TV in the living room and control it all with the DVD remote that the Xbox has, and you give new life to a game console that would have just collected dust otherwise. ~waynezim

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Showing Active Directory Location

I have a very simple script for you today that will allow you to configure settings based on where a users and computers are within your Active Directory. This is very helpful when you are determining internet settings, file / printer connections and even desktop icons, but before you do all that you need a simple script to look up what your location / membership is in the directory. It will provide you with at path that is easily searched with string commands and can help diagnose why some users don’t get all the correct settings. This script returns to popup events, the first one gives you computer location: cn=nameofcomputer,ou=admin,dc=domain,dc=local and user location cn=username,ou=it,dc=domain,dc=local these are the strings you would search to determine who got which settings. Later I will show you how to use these settings to add icons, map drives, and map printers.

Set Network = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") 
 compname = Network.ComputerName
 domname  = "domain"

 Set oNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
 Set oTrans = CreateObject("NameTranslate")
 oTrans.Init 1, domname
 oTrans.Set 3, domname &"\"& compname &"$"
 sAdsPath = oTrans.Get(1)
 Set oNet = Nothing
 Set oTrans = Nothing
 sAdsPath = LCase(sAdsPath)
wscript.echo "Computer Location: " & sAdsPath

Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") 
Set objUser = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
Set CurrentUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & objUser.UserName)
colGroups = CurrentUser.memberOf
userlocation = lcase(objUser.UserName)

wscript.echo "User Location: "  & userlocation

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